Court Data

Fine And Fee Distribution
Court fines and fees are collected by county courts and distributed per Idaho statute to various cities, counties and state agencies to support various programs and services.
In county fiscal year 2023*, Idaho courts distributed $57.0 million in assessed court fines and fees throughout the state — $5.1 million to cities, $24.3 million to counties, and $27.6 million to the state of Idaho.
Supporting Idaho Courts
Funding Idaho courts is a shared responsibility. Approximately 47.9% of total court fines and fees go to counties and the state to help fund the courts. Other court funding sources include General Fund appropriations, sales and property taxes, and federal grants. Idaho counties reported $164.9 million in revenue for court-related funds in FY2023*.
County Reported Revenue:

Trial Court Expenditures
Trial court expenditures are paid directly by county funds or allocations from the Idaho Supreme Court. Direct funding is used to support the payment of court and judicial personnel, operating expenses, and capital outlay.
Expenditures totaled $175.6 million in FY2023. This does not include other expenses paid by the Idaho Supreme Court necessary for the operation of Idaho courts, such as technology licenses, judicial education and travel, and other operating expenses.

Download the Summarized FY 2024 Trial Court Financing Report (PDF)
*Idaho counties’ fiscal year-end is September 30, which differs from the state’s fiscal year-end of June 30. Due to the limited time that counties have to submit their trial court financial information to the Idaho Supreme Court, Idaho court financial information is presented for the previous fiscal year. This information is submitted by each county court to the Idaho Supreme Court for reporting purposes. The data has not been audited or validated.